Welcome to Collaboration Center at Las Vegas Ranch, a valued Behavior Essentials Community Partner.

Introduction to Collaboration Center at Las Vegas Ranch
Collaboration Center Foundation was established in February 2019, to serve and support the lives of families, caregivers and individuals living with special abilities of all ages, by providing the largest disability resource and support network in Nevada.  

Collaboration Center is a safe 5-acre campus community for inclusion and a disability resource network, focused upon family and peer engagement, social interaction, health and wellness, recreation, therapy, and education to enhance the lives of those touched by Intellectual, Developmental, Physical, and Learning Disabilities (ID/DD/PD/LD) of ALL ages.  Our vision is to create the largest collaborative disability network and support model statewide and nationally to help every individual and family member in need of disability-related services get connected to the best resources for the greatest outcomes, while creating a safe campus community that meets families where they are and promotes health and wellness, physical and mental health, and strong supportive relationships.  We achieve this by housing other non-profits, providers, medical and mental health professionals and government agencies while coordinating client care through our Pathways Care Coordination and Family Inclusion program.

Current Campus Status:
Collaboration Center’s campus  buildout is nearly complete and services are expected to start this Summer! 

Meet the Campus Facility Partners at Collaboration Center Foundation!
Boys Town Nevada, Boy Scouts of America, Children's Heart Foundation, Christopher Smith Foundation, Foster Kinship, Jack Sholeff Foundation, Let's Talk! Therapy Center, Nevada Medicaid, Sabol Nelms Foundation, Sing out for Autism

Pathways Free Case Management:Pathways is here to support you and your family through free case management and referral guidance through every stage and life transition. Start your online referral today!